Get Started

Time to take your first steps as a Young Living Brand Partner?
We provide the tools resources and training you need!
how to become a brand partner
Kickstart your business with these easy steps:
order Young Living Essential Oils Now
  • Tell your story
  • Recommend products
  • Enroll and follow up with customers
  • Problem solve for people’s needs

Next Steps

  • Network in your community
  • Build a team through duplication

Brand Partner Basics Video

For more, talk to your enroller or click here to browse our team resources.

And check in often for ongoing LIVE training opportunities!

Down Arrows - LWN

You can get started today with THREE
complimentary videos!

Take a listen to Angela and Andrea highlight the key points of accomplishing your first steps in your Young Living brand partnership. If you are just getting started in the business, stepping back in, or need clear direction for your next steps, then these calls are for you. 

In video one we focus on a few key strategies to pay for your products every month!

In video two, we talk about what it means to work in our NICHE! 
(is it niche or niche?)
In video three, we’re focusing on two key focus areas:
Stabilizing your Organization and Intentional Growth Strategy

Ready for your next steps? Jump into our next mentorship series!