Deborah Lahman Speaking at Ignite

Becoming A Brand Partner With Living Well Now

Where it all began...

Deborah Lahman

August 27, 1953, ~ November 27, 2022

Deborah intuitively and intentionally designed her life around her dreams and goals since childhood, with God as her guide. She, alongside her husband, children, and their spouses and children, founded the Living Well Now community that we love today.

Becoming A Brand Partner

Curious about sharing natural wellness with others? It’s easy to become a Brand Partner with Young Living Essential Oils & The Living Well Now Team. Check out the information below and contact the person who sent you here, or contact us if you would like to learn more. 

Become a part of the movement

Our community is full of: 

  • 9-5ers
  • Stay at home moms
  • College students
  • Educators 
  • Grandparents
  • Photographers
  • Medical professionals
  • Corporate execs
  • Service providers
  • Introverts
  • Extroverts

Learn about the VISION

Our team is passionate about sharing wellness with others. We love what we do, chasing down our dreams and loving on the community this business brings into our lives. We have made some of our dearest friends through this business. The community is the biggest blessing.

We are a movement of people determined to transform the future of individuals and families around the world.

We have an intentional focus on wellness, purpose, and abundance.

If you’re willing to do the work, we are willing to support and encourage you through our successful business system. You can launch & ignite your YL business today!

Why Living Well Now?

Living Well Now Diamond Gala 2019
Living Well Now Team

As a Living Well Now Brand Partner, you can expect:

🔸  A strong and supportive community of positive, kind-hearted people

🔸  Growth opportunities each month, from covering the grocery bill to paying for a dream vacation

🔸  Drama-free online Facebook Group designed to support and encourage. We create a safe place to ask your questions and learn best practices.

🔸  Exclusive business-focused chats and groups for support, tips, and training

🔸  Endless resources like product classes, continued education on health topics, live videos, weekly team zoom meetings


From creating a low-toxin lifestyle, spending quality time with family, and creating another stream of revenue. Becoming a Young Living Brand Partner opens up doors to so many options in your future!

Frequently Asked Questions

No! Customers and Brand Partners buy what they want directly from the Young Living Website. You don’t have to worry about storing or shipping anything you don’t personally use. 

You can get started by purchasing a Business Essentials Kit for only $29.25. Go here to get started today:

Most people who get started are NOT sales people! If you can recommend a good restaurant or a movie to a friend, you can do the very same with our products!  We also have ongoing training to help you learn the skills required to succeed. 

To receive a paycheck, you just have to place a 100CV order each month, that can be your own product purchase for the month, or a combination of your customer’s frontline volume, or both combined.

Contact the person that told you about Young Living. And visit the website anytime to see the Income Disclosure statement:

This could be the opportunity you have been praying for.

Our oily family has room for YOU at the table!